Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nahuel Huapi National Park

I just finished five intense days hiking in Nahuel Huapi National Park. Stunning and butt kicking. Just the way I like it. Returned to Bariloche last night. Spent the day planning and deciding on where to go the last 2 weeks down here. So many choices. I need more time. High season has arrived and reservations are becoming more important.

Sorry this blog has been a bit of a bust. I'm loving just being here much more than writing about being here.

I managed to add some photos to Picasa or Google plus but i'm not sure of the link. So someone figure it out and post the link here!

Happy New Year!


  1. Nancy - no way the blog is a bust! Chock full of adventure, some well deserved pathos for your father, and plenty of grit and good humor no matter what you encounter!!! Keep on trekking! loving the ride from my 'armchair'. Henry H

    1. Thanks. Appreciate it. I'm feeling very fortunate to be down here. 2 more weeks!

  2. Here is the link I got to Google+
