I returned home from the AT just in time to attend the ALDHA West gathering. The American Long Distance Hiking Association West is the organization that confers the Triple Crown award to hikers who have completed the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail and the Appalachian Trail. Since they must be finished by September 1st I didn't get my plaque. But that in no way put a damper on my mood there. It was THE best hiker gathering I have ever been to.
85 people attended. 25 were triple crowners. Lots were single or double crowners. There were aspiring thru hikers, section hikers, trail angels, trail lovers and more. I drove up to Nevada City with Dave Claugus and Cam Swami Honan. We got out of the car and were immediately thrown into hiker love. So many people, all so excited to be there. ALDHA West president Allgood just oozes enthusiasm. Dirtmonger that I met on the CDT showed up. So wonderful to see him again. Furniture and Cassidy that had hosted me in Vermont just a few months prior. Snorkel and PCTA's Jack Haskel were there and soooo many more.
Friday night we watched Jester's most awesome movie "Embrace the Brutality" about his CDT 2012 hike. Check it out here. http://www.tbwproductions.com/#!page3/cee5.
9am Saturday the talks started. I'm not a very emotional person but I got teary eyed during each one. That is just how good, motivating and unique each speaker was. Heather Anish Anderson talked about her 60 day record setting PCT hike. Kristin "Lost" Gates told us of her solo 1000 mile transverse of the Brooks Range in Alaska. Ian spoke of his 6 year walk from the southern tip of South America to Central America. And to top it off Swami gave us the low down on his 12 long walks in North America.
And then there was the presentation of the Triple Crown awards. All Triple Crowners in attendance got up for a huge group photo. I also got a photo of me with my hero, Anish, and another one with Peanut Eater.